Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Long days and once again, no time to paint...

So, the other day it occurred to me that I'm not busier than usual, I'm just always busy! Now this is a good thing, but it is also a tough mill to tread. However, the world around me is not slowing down, so I have to keep pace.

That leaves me in a lurch for modeling and painting. Whinge, whinge, whinge....

Sorry I'm so boring.

I have to say, though, that I did get a few hours in on the laptop finishing what should be the core rules final edit of Strike Force Commander.

Seems like I've said that before. It's probably gonna be over 120 pages when finished. But it should be awesome.

I'm especially looking forward to buying some Seven Years' War Hussars like those on Der Alte Fritz' blogsite and get the foot variants of them for SFC. That would be lovely.

I'm going to go ice my back.

Noch Weiter!



  1. tell me about it mate, still it's nice to be busy aint it

  2. Yes, its a very good problem to have.
