Since I'm a writer and not an artist, I pressganged my two Art Ninjas into servitude for the diagrams and illustrations I would need to finish the game.
Here are some model silhouettes that Gilbert Leiker, aka Mothbot, did that are going to be used to demonstrate more conceptually challenging rules. (All images Copyright Robert A Faust & Gilbert Leiker 2011)
Once he and Alan get the remaining diagrams and illustrations completed I will insert them into the layout and then we go to print!
Five and a half years of writing and play testing will finally bear fruit. I am thrilled at the notion.
Like any artistic or creative endeavor, my rules set will likely challenge the imagination of some more hidebound players and receive vitriolic reviews accordingly.
My great relief comes from the many gamers who will catch the vision of what I'm trying to represent and will enjoy the game for many years to come.
As we approach the final stages, I will be less focused on painting and modeling minis and more focused on getting this thing out the door.
Stay tuned for more sneak peeks and teasers!
Noch Weiter!